Gone Too Soon

Like a comet
Blazing 'cross the evening sky
Gone too soon

Like a rainbow
Fading in the twinkling of an eye
Gone too soon

Shiny and sparkly
And splendidly bright
Here one day
Gone one night

Like the loss of sunlight
On a cloudy afternoon
Gone too soon

Like a castle
Built upon a sandy beach
Gone too soon

Like a perfect flower
That is just beyond your reach
Gone too soon

Born to amuse, to inspire, to delight
Here one day
Gone one night

Like a sunset
Dying with the rising of the moon
Gone too soon
Gone too soon
Songwriters: Grossman, Larry; Kohan, Alan;

Linda Anderson

"Linda was a creative,caring, and beautiful friend.  She loved to
draw, dance, sew and design her own clothes. She had a true artistic
talent that I know I hoped would rub off on me if I hung out with her.
It didn't!!  We had some great times hiking with our dogs, going to
the beach in her little MGB, and talking for hours about life.  I have
never forgotten her. I trust she is dancing with the angels now and
that I will see her again some day."

Debby Burks Morey

Karen Brodahl

Karen was a wonderful friend.  She had a whimsical smile and a wry, sometimes self-deprecating sense of humor.  She loved to talk, and would talk for hours about all kinds of things- too many restrictions at home, boyfriends, art, photography, etc.  Karen was very creative.  She worked on a number of drawing, painting, and photography projects.  Her father, Herb Brodahl, was the photography teacher at HHS.  I remember going on a spectacular weekend trip with them to Northern California, where we photographed old barns in different kinds of light.  I think that Karen developed and printed her photos in black and white in the darkroom at school.  She died in a car accident, not too many years after we graduated I think- in any case, much too soon.  It is sad when someone so gifted, with so much to give the world, dies so young.  Karen, you are missed and loved, and I treasure the time we spent together.

Leanne Spees Purdy   

Melanie Camner

Melanie died young and I still think of her often.  Sometimes when I think about her I accuse her of dying young just so she didn't get wrinkles!

Although Melanie had been married she was divorced and living in Colorado at the time of her death, she had no children. Any of you that knew Melanie most likely can remember how much she longed to be a mother!  She used to tell me she wanted 3 little red headed boys!

As often happens in life, I didn't appreciate my friendship with Melanie until after she left this earth, which was sudden.  She was the only friend I had that stood by me emotionally during my divorce and listened to me endlessly as I expressed feelings stemming from being a single mother and raising 2 children pretty much alone.  Melanie was always full of encouragement and when I hung up the phone after talking with her my spirit was always uplifted as she would leave me with the feeling I could handle yet another day. These are the memories of Melanie Camner I will always hold close to my heart.

Becky(Daniels) Hagensen

William Evers
Our Friend Bill,
Bill loved football, he used to hang around in "C" hall
following a girl he just couldn't have
He would play his harmonica with a gleam in his eyes
He hung around school with a bunch of crazy guys
He'd ride his Triumph motorcycle
with a friend named Michael
Pondering the meaning of life.
We would sit in East Avenue Park
until way after dark,
When suddenly Bill would say,
Hey, do you know why we're all here?
Well, High School doesn't last forever
it's only four very short years and
It's much more than just the education,
friends, football, wine and the beers.
After graduation we all found that life continues on
and Bill, he moved far far away,
but he would call up and say,
"Hey Ol Buddy Ol Pal"
Have you figured it out yet, you know why we're all here?
Then suddenly one day after many many years
there was Bills picture, an obituary, in the local paper
and once again I began to ponder,
between the shock and the tears
The reason we're all here.
Like many who have yet to really figure it out
But now, I know what Bill would say
"Hey, I now know what it's about!"
And some day, we will all follow Bill
Away from that High School up on the hill
Then maybe perhaps, we too will all understand
Why "We were all here"
Our friend Bill.

Jeffrey Hanft
Bobo Martinez
I first met Adolph (Bobo) when I was in 4th grade.  We moved from the flat lands of Hayward to the East Avenue hills.  The Martinez family was one of the first to make us feel welcomed.  I really enjoyed playing with Bobo, and all his sisters and brothers.  We all really enjoyed having "twist" parties, and eating his Mom's delicious re-fried beans and home made fresh tortillas.  His sister Virginia, graduated with me in 1970.
The main thoughts that come to my mind when I remember him are: his good sense of humor; and his honesty.  He was a real stand-up guy!  I'm sorry I lost track of him after high school.  He was such a great person I probably missed out on the chance to have a gratifying life long friendship with him.  I was deeply saddened and disturbed to learn of his death at such a relatively young age.
George Gutierrez
Sonja McCoy
Nora McGowan
Teri Pigott

I first meet Teri, in February of 1962, when I was the new girl in the 3rd grade. Mrs. Smith, our teacher, asked who walked home through the easement.  Teri raised her hand. We became best friend that very first day. 


We remained best friends from Baby dolls to Barbie dolls to BOYS, (they were the most fun!)  While still in elementary school, we would go to her basement after school, put a spool on the player piano and sing all these old songs, or we would put a nickel in the jute box and dance for hours.  Sometimes we would laugh until tears ran down our faces and our stomachs hurt.


Starting in 7th grade Teri and I would go to the Teen club and dances where we would dance all night long. There was always someone to have a crush on and like all teenage girls we had many. 


One of the best times I remember we had together was the summer before our Senior year.  Her parents took us on a vacation to Yosemite along with Bobo and Tim Nordel. We had so many laughs on that trip. 


What I still remember most about Teri is her laughter and they way her green- eyes sparkled.  She knew the meaning of true friendship,  To her a secret was a secret, no one else knew.  Even as a young girl she had the maturity to know friendship equaled trust, and respect for each other. She was honest even when it was very hard to be. She was kind beyond belief.  She always remained so very true to who she was. I never knew how strong she was until I got older. 


She taught me so many things.  Pme of the most important is that no matter what everything will be OK.   Always have faith… My dear friend, you will and have lived on in my heart forever.  I will see you again someday. 



Monte Williams
Loreen Madison

 Loreen Madison went to Markham Elementary, Bret Harte and for a short time at Hayward High. She never graduated. She lived at 1665 B Street with her aunt and uncle. She married Jim Riddle and had two girls. She died when she was 33 of a brain hemorrhage. I think.  I can't remember exactly what it was. She collapsed on Mission Blvd in San Leandro. She was friends with me, Jane Hall, and Pam Bullard.

Submitted by Linda Garcia

John Plemmons
John Plemmons was my first crush, 5th grade, Markham School.  The feeling was not mutual.  Or... maybe it was in that mean 5th grade boy kind of thing.  Many notes and pictures, drawn by John, were delivered to me.  Even in fifth grade John was a very good artist.  I hope that he was able to pursue that talent as an adult.  Fast forward to seventh grade, Bret Hart Jr High, we shared a locker, my locker was closer to his classes.  He would leave me little gifts from time to time.  A tiny bottle of Channel #5, a Christmas tree pin, Beach Boy album... Still keep the Channel bottle on a shelf on my dresser.  That summer we hung out a few times at the Hayward Plunge Park, D Street Park or downtown.  Pam Bullard and I would meet John and his cousin, Alan and have fun doing nothing in a way that kids now a days could never have the freedom to do. 




 By the time we got to Hayward High I was on to other crushes but John and I would always say hi as we pasted in the halls.  I am sad that I will never get the opportunity to meet the man that he became because I know he must have been an awesome person.  I have never forgotten that sweet innocent crush, and John, you will have a little piece of my heart forever.  Donna (Santos)
Shannon Gernandt Strube
Wills Hawkins
Gary Smith
Kevin Walker

Kevin Walker died 5/13/09 after a long battle with cancer.  I first met Kevin at the age of 11 when our parents started dating,we did not like each other.  When Kevin's father and my mother married when we were both 13 we still didn't like each other. By the time we graduated from High School we finally made peace with each other and became friends.  This friendship lasted until the day Kevin passed from this earth.

Kevin was an Uncle who cared about and loved all 5 of his nieces, he had no nephews. Besides all of us siblings (4)he is survived by his loving wife Elsa and 2 step-daughter's he helped raise.

Some of you may remember Kevin as an accomplished guitarist and for his wry sense of humor. I remember Kevin as my brother.

Becky Hagensen (Daniels)

Yvonne Coleman