Cathy Straus
Yakety Yak, Don't Hold Back
After high school I went to Cal Berkeley and graduated in 1975. I originally planned a career in Special Education, but got sidetracked due to money and ended up in a career in business. I started my own business in 82 in financial services, tax deferred investments, equipment/computer leasing. I ran this business until the late 90's. I had my son in 1994, probably a lot later than most, and have spent the last 17 years raising him. He is a great kid, a great scholar, and planning on college in a year, hopefully at Cal Poly his first choice college planning on a career teaching advanced math and science, his true love.

Health has been an issue for me. I inherited a kidney disease that resulted in kidney failure slowly starting from 2000 resulting in dialysis starting in 2004. I dialyzed at home by myself so I could be available to my son. Since 2008 I have had approximately 11 surgeries 4 this year alone. I have been on disability since 2004 and finally received a transplant in 2010, after waiting more than 8 years. So far the transplant is working great but two months ago I got a common type of infection caused by the anti rejection meds and am praying the kidney continues to function.

I have traveled a lot been to China, England, Mexico and probably 30+ states, my son has also been to Costa Rica, Australia and the Galapagos. My family is currently fairly local in Pleasanton, Livermore and Stockton. I've lived fairly local this whole time, Walnut Creek, Concord, Sausalito, Dublin and finally settled here in Danville in 2005. Sadly I've lost touch with all my high school friends. Hope all are doing well and have have had a good life as I have.
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