Linda Grindel (Durham)
Yakety Yak, Don't Hold Back
My name is Linda Durham. After graduation I pretty much figured out large breasts got me big offers. I actually stayed a virgin in High School - RIGHT BOYS? Took care of that right after high school.

I am the baby's mama for three children. Nicole, Jake and Jeff. My two sons live with me - one just turned 18 - the other is 16, my grocery bill is about $300/wk.

I worked in the Emergency Room at Highland Hospital as well as Labor and Delivery for nearly 20 years - I had to retire early due to patients tossing me about.

On the side I always did some local theatre and political work. I worked for Willie Brown, Jr - Speaker of the Assembly as an Events Director (Oh What A Night Democratic Opening convention party in 1984 - Hard Rock cafe - opening in SF, etc.) I was also the Marin liason for the Hillary Clinton Campaign - spoke at her events - etc.

So now I'm a lazy ass who does stand up comedy on the side - The Improv - Tommy T's and on the 29th of August will be my 2nd appearance at the Punchline in SF.

I am currently a breast cancer survivor - 2 years and running.

I have some great memories of wonderful friends at Hayward. I have a problem remembering names - but faces I can do. My most profound experiences at HHS was the riot we had when Martin Luther King died, and the death of Teri Pigott. I still visit her grave.

I was going to attend the reunion but my life is so overwhelming right now. Good and bad. I also don't remember things like I see the others are doing. High School is but a distant image in my mind. Too much time has past for me to even remember.
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